Welcome to Aaron Leitch's Homepage!
New Stuff
Aaron Leitch Interview by The Occult Bitch Took some time to bitch about the occult with the Occult Bitch. :) Snakes, scorpions, curses, and hair care tips. No, really! |
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Folk Magick, Psalms, and Solomonic Conjure with Aaron Leitch by Balthazar It's all in the title. Great interview by Balthazar! |
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Solomonic Power Couple: Aaron and Carrie Leitch on Glitch Bottle Carrie and I are the modern Dee and Kelley. I conjure the spirits, she skries them. We talk about our lives (and our history!) as a working magical couple. |
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Magical Appropriation with Aaron Leitch and Rufus Opus on Glitch Bottle I share the internet once again with Frater Rufus Opus, as we discuss the current (and absolutely senseless) controversy over "cultural appropriation" - especially where magick is concerned. Believe it or not, this was inspired by accusations that I, personally, was a cultural appropriator - for practicing the white European Solomonic Tradition!! You can't make this stuff up, folks! |
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Going Goetic: Ritual Offerings with Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle Discussion about goetia and its practice. This was intended to lead to a practical discussion of how goetia is done, but we never actually got to that point - so keep an eye out for a part 2 to this one! |
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Double Trouble with Aaron Leitch and Frater Rufus Opus on Glitch Bottle I face off against that rapscallion Frater Rufus Opus in this no-holds-barred magical battle! (Or, two blow-hards tossing witty insults back and forth for no reason.) |
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Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle: Part 1 Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle: Part 2 My very first interview with Alexander Eth on the Glitch Bottle Podcast! It was so lengthy, it had to be broken into two parts. |
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![]() The system of spirit-working (goetia) contained in the Book of Abramelin is hidden in a scattered fashion throughout the grimoire. While it is not at all blinded, it is presented in such a way the merely curious are likely to overlook it. And they have! In this essay, I gather the information and cover this system in detail – drawing upon my own knowledge and experience in order to present a complete and fully-functioning system of spirit-magick for those who have completed the Rite of Abramelin. Plus, as an added bonus, I have included The Magickal Word-Squares of Abramelin: Compiled and Corrected for the First Time– making the full range of the word-squares more readily accessible than ever before. |
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![]() Codex Septemgenius means “Reference Book of the Seven-Brothers” (or septuplets) – referring to the Seven Planetary Spirits that stand before God (Rev 4:5), all One but divided into Seven. This short booklet contains the powers, correspondences, Psalms, various invocations and other considerations for the Angels and Spirits of the seven Planetary Forces. |
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![]() A primer for the “Enochian Language” recorded by Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley in their angelic skrying sessions (1583). The course is based upon the linguistic analysis of the language found in ‘The Angelical Language’ by Fr. Aaron Leitch – especially Volume II,: ‘An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the Tongue of Angels’. It includes fourteen lessons designed to take the student from the basic principles of the language all the way to translating raw Angelical text. |
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![]() Throughout history, ritual offerings have been the central pillar of all magick and religion. Very often, a magickal ritual consists of nothing more than the making of a prescribed offering to a particular spirit in a specified time and place. The art of making proper offerings to the spirits is a complex one, rife with strict protocols and warnings, but if you take the time to learn this ancient and powerful art, it will supercharge your magick like nothing you’ve experienced before. Ritual Offerings unites twelve practicing occultists who share their knowledge and experience with this fascinating and important subject. Traditions from around the world such as Solomonic magick, Tibetan Buddhism, New Orleans and Hatian Voudou, Western Hermetic Theurgy and more are discussed in great detail. Regardless of your tradition, Ritual Offerings will guide you in feeding your patrons and familiars safely and effectively and contribute to our overall success and growth as a practitioner. |
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The Lost Secrets of Western Magick Revealed Western magick is known for excelling at theurgy ("high magick") but doesn't have such a good reputation for effective "low magick" (aka practical magick or witchcraft). What is missing from our traditions? In this essay I outline several ancient occult practices that you can explore to make your practical magick work better than ever before. |
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![]() "Whether you’ve already had contact with your HGA, or even already reached the grade of Ipsissimus in the Golden Dawn, or even are a newcomer to Hermetic magic generally, Fr. MC’s book “The Holy Guardian Angel” is going to be a wealth of information and practice for you. It’ll give you things to look forward to if you don’t yet have contact with your HGA, and it’ll give you plenty to chew on if you already do (or think you do). The book is one of the closest things we have to a textbook on working with the HGA especially when paired with things like the Book of Abramelin or Liber Samekh, but it’s also definitely one of the most approachable texts out there. To see the words and minds of these magicians put together in a single volume on a complicated subject is a treat, both intellectually and spiritually, and definitely a must-have for ceremonial magicians." - Reader Review My contribution to this anthology is After Abramelin: Working with Your Holy Guardian Angel - whose title really says it all. (Click here to read an excerpt.) |
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Books By (or including) Aaron Leitch
![]() The system of spirit-working (goetia) contained in the Book of Abramelin is hidden in a scattered fashion throughout the grimoire. While it is not at all blinded, it is presented in such a way the merely curious are likely to overlook it. And they have! In this essay, I gather the information and cover this system in detail – drawing upon my own knowledge and experience in order to present a complete and fully-functioning system of spirit-magick for those who have completed the Rite of Abramelin. Plus, as an added bonus, I have included The Magickal Word-Squares of Abramelin: Compiled and Corrected for the First Time– making the full range of the word-squares more readily accessible than ever before. |
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![]() Codex Septemgenius means “Reference Book of the Seven-Brothers” (or septuplets) – referring to the Seven Planetary Spirits that stand before God (Rev 4:5), all One but divided into Seven. This short booklet contains the powers, correspondences, Psalms, various invocations and other considerations for the Angels and Spirits of the seven Planetary Forces. |
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![]() A primer for the “Enochian Language” recorded by Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley in their angelic skrying sessions (1583). The course is based upon the linguistic analysis of the language found in ‘The Angelical Language’ by Fr. Aaron Leitch – especially Volume II,: ‘An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the Tongue of Angels’. It includes fourteen lessons designed to take the student from the basic principles of the language all the way to translating raw Angelical text. |
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![]() Throughout history, ritual offerings have been the central pillar of all magick and religion. Very often, a magickal ritual consists of nothing more than the making of a prescribed offering to a particular spirit in a specified time and place. The art of making proper offerings to the spirits is a complex one, rife with strict protocols and warnings, but if you take the time to learn this ancient and powerful art, it will supercharge your magick like nothing you’ve experienced before. Ritual Offerings unites twelve practicing occultists who share their knowledge and experience with this fascinating and important subject. Traditions from around the world such as Solomonic magick, Tibetan Buddhism, New Orleans and Hatian Voudou, Western Hermetic Theurgy and more are discussed in great detail. Regardless of your tradition, Ritual Offerings will guide you in feeding your patrons and familiars safely and effectively and contribute to our overall success and growth as a practitioner. |
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![]() ‘In London 25-year-old Alan King receives an unexpected birthday legacy from his late father, a professor of archaeology who disappeared in mysterious circumstances eight years before at a ziggurat in Iraq. The gift is a grimoire – a book of magic – written, unbelievably, in his father’s hand. Alan is a diligent student of advanced experimental physics with a brilliant scientific mind and finds it hard to come to terms with his father’s seeming interest in medieval methods of summoning archangels. More worrying still is that the name of Lucifer heads the list.’ With advice from his more esoterically-minded friend Terry, Alan decides to try to enter the realm of angels on an experimental basis, seeing a connection between angels and photons. However, all is not ‘light’ and things do not go exactly as planned, with the appearance of seductive unearthly women and dark feathered creatures invading his life, while he follows the prescribed rituals and soars to meet the all-powerful archangels one by one, eventually uncovering a shattering secret.’ See my blog for excerpts from the book! |
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![]() "Whether you’ve already had contact with your HGA, or even already reached the grade of Ipsissimus in the Golden Dawn, or even are a newcomer to Hermetic magic generally, Fr. MC’s book “The Holy Guardian Angel” is going to be a wealth of information and practice for you. It’ll give you things to look forward to if you don’t yet have contact with your HGA, and it’ll give you plenty to chew on if you already do (or think you do). The book is one of the closest things we have to a textbook on working with the HGA especially when paired with things like the Book of Abramelin or Liber Samekh, but it’s also definitely one of the most approachable texts out there. To see the words and minds of these magicians put together in a single volume on a complicated subject is a treat, both intellectually and spiritually, and definitely a must-have for ceremonial magicians." - Reader Review My contribution to this anthology is After Abramelin: Working with Your Holy Guardian Angel - whose title really says it all. (Click here to read an excerpt.) |
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![]() Coming February 2014! This is the first Enochian Magick book of its kind ever published. It is not a re-hash of Dee’s journal entries, nor is it about magickal theory. This grimoire – as the term implies – is a manual on how to perform the magick. This may be the first time you’re ever seen Enochian Magick presented as Dee himself would likely have performed it. This grimoire outlines Enochian cosmology, the angels and the spirits of the system, the temple setup, and the making and usage of tools. Part one covers the original Enochian system by Dee, part two covers the modern version by the Golden Dawn and rituals are provided for each. All the angels' names are listed, along with exact instructions for summoning them and descriptions of how they should appear when summoned. This is an important resource for both beginners and advanced practitioners alike. (See my blog entry for more.) |
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![]() This groundbreaking anthology is one of the most important Golden Dawn books published in the 21st Century to date. It is a collection of all of the "Flying Rolls" of the original Golden Dawn (these were lectures and essays mailed between adepts, on every subject from occult philosophy to practical magick to administrative rules). Each Roll is then elaborated by a commentary from a modern practitioner of the Golden Dawn tradition. What is groundbreaking is not only that all of the Flying Rolls have finally been gathered into a single printed volume, and not only that each Roll is brought into the modern world by its commentator, but also that the commentators themselves come from across the spectrum of the modern Golden Dawn Community. Over a dozen different GD Orders are represented in these pages - the first time such a massive inter-Order collaboration has ever happened! My contributions to this anthology are The Microcosm of Man (an exploration of Golden Dawn Qabalistic Psychology) and On the General and Particular Exordium of the Z Documents (An explanation of the opening lines of the Z Documents, and their Gnostic basis). |
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This is a neat little book of visualization exercises intended to introduce the seeker to the symbols, sigils and imagery associated with the Planetary Archangels. While I'm not personally the world's biggest fan of visualization techniques, I was still impressed with the intent, scope and content of this work. Far from the usual "Newage" kind of angel visualization, the author - Judith Page - draws her material from the girmoires, John Dee's Enochian system and the Qabalah. I think the course it outlines would be a good place to start for anyone who wishes to someday work directly with these angels. The author originally contacted me to translate some invocations into Angelical for her, and she also asked me to create a Grand Seal for a 10x10 Khamea of Malkuth. (See my blog for more on that.) Finally, she asked me write the preface - which is why her book is listed here. :) |
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![]() This book contains essays from various authors on the subject of the modern cross-semination between African Traditional Religions and Western occultism. My contribution is entitled "Folk Traditions and the Solomonic Revival." |
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![]() This book contains many excellent articles on the subject of Angels and their Fallen counterparts. It includes my essay "The Enochians", wherein I explain the little-known (but proper) meaning of the term "Enochian", and then discuss the true identities of the entities with whom Dee was in contact. |
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![]() This book contains essays from many of the world's foremost authorities on the subject of goetic magick. It includes my essay "The Spirit-Magick of Abramelin" - exploring the rarely-discussed system of spirit magick outlined toward the end of the 'Book of Abramelin.' Not only does it explain how the system works, but also describes Abraham's method of creating original Magickal Word Squares. |
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![]() Explores the reception of the Angelical language by Dr. John Dee and skryer Sir Edward Kelley, and the Biblical mythology behind the language as related to them by the Angels. This book begins with an exploration of the mystical traditions that influenced Dee's work (the 50 Gates of Binah, the legends of Enoch and the Book of Soyga), and continues with an in-depth study of the 49 Tables of Loagaeth (Speech From God), the 48 Angelical Keys (or Callings) and the unfolding saga surrounding them in Dee's journals. Special added features include an analysis of the English Poetry (translations) of the 48 Keys, instructions for the magickal use of Angelical characters and a complete Angelical Psalter. |
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![]() An exhaustive grammatical analysis of the Celestial Speech recorded by Dr. John Dee. This new work is not just another "Enochian Dictionary." The Angelical Lexicon includes every word from the 48 Keys, all defined or related words from the Book of Loagaeth and every random Angelical word or phrase found throughout Dee's lengthy journals. All of the words have been analyzed and cross-referenced to discover hidden word-elements and root-words. Also included are notes about the word's pronunciation definition, history and usage- both Dee's original marginal notations and new commentary. Also, a new pronunciation key has been invented to make reading the words much easier for the modern English speaker. |
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![]() My first full-length book! An in-depth exploration of the history of Western magick, leading up to the Solomonic tradition and how the classical grimoires can be used by the modern magus or psychonaut to explore the Self and the Magickal Universe. The above link takes you to the book's homepage, where you can read the first chapter, reader reviews, further grimoire essays, grimoire links, etc. |
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Aaron's Interviews, Etc.
Aaron Leitch Interview by The Occult Bitch Took some time to bitch about the occult with the Occult Bitch. :) Snakes, scorpions, curses, and hair care tips. No, really! |
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Folk Magick, Psalms, and Solomonic Conjure with Aaron Leitch by Balthazar It's all in the title. Great interview by Balthazar! |
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Solomonic Power Couple: Aaron and Carrie Leitch on Glitch Bottle Carrie and I are the modern Dee and Kelley. I conjure the spirits, she skries them. We talk about our lives (and our history!) as a working magical couple. |
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Magical Appropriation with Aaron Leitch and Rufus Opus on Glitch Bottle I share the internet once again with Frater Rufus Opus, as we discuss the current (and absolutely senseless) controversy over "cultural appropriation" - especially where magick is concerned. Believe it or not, this was inspired by accusations that I, personally, was a cultural appropriator - for practicing the white European Solomonic Tradition!! You can't make this stuff up, folks! |
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Going Goetic: Ritual Offerings with Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle Discussion about goetia and its practice. This was intended to lead to a practical discussion of how goetia is done, but we never actually got to that point - so keep an eye out for a part 2 to this one! |
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Double Trouble with Aaron Leitch and Frater Rufus Opus on Glitch Bottle I face off against that rapscallion Frater Rufus Opus in this no-holds-barred magical battle! (Or, two blow-hards tossing witty insults back and forth for no reason.) |
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Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle: Part 1 Aaron Leitch on Glitch Bottle: Part 2 My very first interview with Alexander Eth on the Glitch Bottle Podcast! It was so lengthy, it had to be broken into two parts. |
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Aaron Leitch Interview by Tony Valen on Healing From Within I had a wonderful time discussing the Golden Dawn, Hermeticism, Spiritual Alchemy and much more. The guys who run this show are wonderful and I had a blast talking with them. They had never heard of the Golden Dawn before, so this was my chance to explain what the GD is all about, what we do, where we came from, etc. I also talk a little about the grimoires toward the end, and even talk some about Ochani Lele and his influence on me. Starts at about 29:00. |
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Aaron Leitch Discusses the Essential Enochian Grimoire on Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole It was great to be back with Andrieh and Jason on 'Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole.' This time we talked about Enochian mgaick. We mentioned the book, but most of the interview was dedicated to answering some of the more popular questions about Enochian and Dee and Kelley, and me giving some rather unexpected answers. lol |
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Interview with Aaron Leitch at Strange Files This interview covers a lot of my personal history as an occultist, my work with the grimoires and my personal opinions on everything from Paganism to the Church of Satan. Strange Files is a Greek publication, but you can find an English translation of the interview toward the bottom of the page. |
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Sherry Shone Show - Special Guest Aaron Leitch A podcast interview on Sherry Shone's Tarot show. Much of this discussion was about my work with spirits and how they play into my practice of divination. However, since Sherry broadcasts from Colorado, we do a lot of talking about my origins as a Pagan in Denver. |
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Aaron Leitch Discusses Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires on Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole A podcast interview about my book, Solomonic grimoires, angel magick and more! |
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Aaron Leitch Visits Occult Science Radio in this podcast interview, me and the hosts cover all sorts of topics - mostly within the realm of the grimoires, voodoo, hoodoo and even a little bit of Santeria. |
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The Angelical Language: An Interview with Aaron Leitch Upon the release of my latest book(s) - The Angelical Language: Vols I and II - I was interviewed by Llewellyn Acquisitions Editor Elysia Gallo. I discuss the project and offer some descriptions of my upcoming work. |
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Aaron Leitch - CC&G Interview I was recently interviewed by Frater Abraxas, on his Internet Radio show Coffee, Cigarettes and Gnosis. The subjects were Solomonic magick, the origins of Hermeticism and the "how-tos" of Astral Travel. The above link will take you to a RapidShare download of the show. (In time, I'll have the interview uploaded to YouTube.) |
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Aaron Leitch - Avalonia Interview In the beginning of 2007, I was interviewed by Avalonia's Sorita D'Este about my magickal journey, Solomonic magick and my book Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires. |
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Videos By Aaron Leitch
![]() My very first video effort! This is a fly-through video of my VR Vault of the Adepti - a virtual reality construct of the Vault of the Golden Dawn's Inner Order R.R. et A.C. You will also find a pictorial tour of the Vault- complete with descriptions taken from the 5=6 Initiation Ceremony- on the same page. |
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Essays about Grimoires and Classical Magick
The Lost Secrets of Western Magick Revealed Western magick is known for excelling at theurgy ("high magick") but doesn't have such a good reputation for effective "low magick" (aka practical magick or witchcraft). What is missing from our traditions? In this essay I outline several ancient occult practices that you can explore to make your practical magick work better than ever before. |
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Restoring the Enochian Heptarchia An article outlining how I went about rectifying the Heptarchic system of angel magick. The list of angel functions has been corrupted for 400 years. Dee knew it was flawed, but never made the corrections. For the new Essential Enochian Grimoire, I scoured Dee's journals for clues on how to fix the material - and found them. |
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Enochiana: From Dee to the Golden Dawn A lecture about the development of Enochian Magick from Dee's original system to the Neo-Enochan system of the Golden Dawn, given at the Isis-Urania Temple of the HOGD |
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Enochiana: From Dee to the Golden Dawn Addendum Important Corrections to the previous lecture. |
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The Return of Psalmic Magick and the Mixed Qabalah An essay about Psalm Magick and the rediscovery of the "Mixed Qabalah" - once known only by an obscure reference in the Book of Abramelin |
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What is Enochian Magick? (The Two Mystical Traditions of Enoch the Prophet) A short article explaining the difference between John Dee's Enochian magick and the later "Neo-Enochian" tradition descended primarily from the Golden Dawn. |
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From the Greeks to the Grimoires: A Review of Jake Kent's Geosophia. This is much more than a mere book review - it is a lengthy essay about the ancient Greek Goen, the Chalybes, the Greek Magical Papyri, and the Sabians - all important (yet little-known) forerunners to the Western Mystery Tradition. |
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The Quest for the Divine Language A short article concerning mankind's fascination with and search for the Original Language once spoken in Eden. |
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Pronouncing Dee's Angelical (aka A Pronunciation Guide to the Angelical Language of Dr. John Dee) Based upon my study of Dee's records, I have created this essay explaining how to pronounce the Angelical words. I explain the methods Dee used to record his own phonetic notations, and then I provide an entirely new phonetic key intended for modern students. All of the rules for Angelical pronunciation are explained, and the essay ends with excerpts from An Angelical Psalter- showing the first two Angelical Callings/Keys written in English, Angelical and my new phonetic key. |
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The Angelical Alphabet (Updated Version!) Originally written for Tree of Lights Magazine, but the magazine never came to be. It was then published online in Paradigm Shift Magazine, but the online version suffered formatting errors. Now, the essay has been completely updated, corrected and vastly expanded. It explains the importance of the Angelical Language and how to use the Angelical Characters with Agrippa's occult philosophy. |
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Grimoire Shamanism A major premise of my Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires is that the Solomonic texts draw much from tribal shamanic practices and worldview. This essay focuses upon that premise, and provides a great introduction to the book. It also includes two anecdotes about modern Solomonic shamans at work. |
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Abramelin's Magickal Word Squares: Compiled and Corrected for the First Time At long last, thanks to George Dehn and Steven Guth, modern students have access to the original talismans found in the German manuscripts of the Book of Abramelin. Unfortunately, even in their original form, the word squares are rife with errors. In this work, I have gathered all thirty chapters of talismans (242 in all!) and corrected them where necessary. This is the first time the Abramelin word squares have been seen in their corrected form, anywhere, ever! |
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Modern Grimoire Magick: Folk Magick and The Solomonic Path When JWMT asked me to write a new essay on the grimoires, I was excited by the opportunity to pick up where I left off in Secrets.... This essay follows the grimoires as they migrated with their owners to the New World. We encounter "reciept-books" - simple grimoires kept by families for household uses. We learn how these grimoires influenced American folk-magick like Hexcraft (Pow-wow) in the North and Hoodoo in the South. Finally, we learn how these traditions of sorcery have influenced the modern practice of Solomonic magick within American culture (and elsewhere). |
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Understanding the Ancient Tomes A short article written for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Mind and Spirit Magazine concerning the creation of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires. |
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The Holy Guardian Angel: Exploring the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage This one begins with the history of the "Book of Abramelin" and an outline of the Abramelin Rite itself. Then, it discusses the magickal theory behind it. From there it gives a history of the Patron God, Guardian Angel, and Genius. Finally, it ends with some brief discussion of the Hermetic view of the Holy Guardian Angel. This is an abridged version of what will eventually be a much longer work. |
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Medieval Magick Chapter One of Secrets of the Grimoires- Medieval Magick- is an exploration of the medieval world that gave rise to the classical grimoires. The relationship between these texts and the social, political, and religious circumstances surrounding them are discussed. Then, the history of the grimiores themselves are explored- first in general, and then in detail as the contents of 20 individual grimoires are outlined. As the launching point for the rest of the book, this chapter contains "all we already know" from other scholars that have studied the texts. The remaining chapters of the book will move into new territory. |
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Textual Analysis of the First Call An interpretaion of the First Angelic Key as recieved by Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley in 1583. (This has been vastly expanded in my upcoming work The Angelical Language.) |
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On the Origins of the Enochian Language Actually more about the nature of the Angelic language than its origins. Also discusses the many Angelic words with English roots. |
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A Discourse on the Enochian Watchtowers Some important keys to understanding the nature of the Watchtower hierarchy of Angels. Recently updated. |
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Essays about Hermetics, Qabalah and Gnosticism
Enochiana: From Dee to the Golden Dawn A lecture about the development of Enochian Magick from Dee's original system to the Neo-Enochan system of the Golden Dawn, given at the Isis-Urania Temple of the HOGD |
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Enochiana: From Dee to the Golden Dawn Addendum Important Corrections to the previous lecture. |
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Two Thrones for the Golden Dawn An essay explaining the symbolic relationship between the Golden Dawn's Neophyte Hall and the Pharaoh's royal court of ancient Egypt. Includes an explanation of why the Golden Dawn does not place Horus upon the Throne of the East even in the New Aeon. |
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The Decad of Creation: Sacred Geometry upon the Tree of Life This essay is an example of Ma'aseh Berishith - a meditation upon the Work of Creation outlined in the Book of Genesis. Drawing from Pythagorean philosophy and the Sepher Yetzirah, I discuss the Sacred Geometry of the Tree of Life and its relationship to the ten instances of "God said..." in the first chapter of Genesis. |
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A Clarification of Geomancy for Golden Dawn Students This short essay introduces both the traditional medieval and Golden Dawn systems of Geomancy in clear and easy to understand terms. Lots of diagrams for illustration. |
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Astral Vision and Travel This is a course in Astral Vision and Astral Travel. This has been a very successful astral travel course. Students often report positive results in a very short period. |
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Meditation Basics: Calm-Abiding Meditation This is a course in Calm-Abiding Meditation, the most important first step in the meditation process. This was originally written for a larger Hermetics course at Witchschool.com, and has since been published in the Virutal Sanctuary of the Sanctuary of Ma'at Order of the Golden Dawn. Recently, it has appeared at ritualmagick.org on their meditation page. |
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Introduction to the Holy Tree of Life. (Mahaseh Berashith: the Work of Creation) This is part one of a series of four classes on the Tree of Life in Western Hermetic Qabalah. Part One introduces the student to the concept of the Tree, Divine Emanation and the Circles of Heaven. It also includes a glossary for basic Qabalah. |
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Introduction to the Hebrew Alphabet A beginner's class on the Hebrew Alphabet- or "Aleph-Beth"- written for WitchSchool. It has some good information about the origins of the Hebrew alphabet and language. |
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Gnosticism: Sethian to Valentinian Available at last! Originally, this was a series of articles for Gnostic Cross Magazine. Then converted into a two-part lecture series for a Hermetic Society. Finally, the two lectures have been combined into one essay available here. Intended as a simple overview of ancient Gnosticism and its various mythologies. |
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Shem haMephoresh: The Divine Name of Extension Almost everything you've always wanted to know about the 72-lettered Name of God. Needs updated with some new info I've learned since publishing it, but still one of my better pieces. |
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The Mage's Guide to Adepthood part I (Silence) The Mage's Guide to Adepthood part II (Will) The Mage's Guide to Adepthood part III (Daring) Some helpful hints for the aspireing mage- especially those of you trying to learn via the Internet. |
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The Modern Western Occult Tradition All about the modern occult revival. |
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Essays about Neopaganism and Wicca
Stewart Farrar Eulogy I wrote this Eulogy for Stewart Farrar just after his passing, for posting in the old AOL forums. I had forgotten it was sitting on my tripod account with no link to it. So, here it is for all to see. |
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The Neopagan Altar: Shamanic Paradigm A short exploration of the significance of the mainstream Neopagan Altar. I intend to expand this into a larger essay, covering several of the more shamanic aspects of mainstream Neopaganism in America. |
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Wicca and Neopaganism: A Short History A common-sense historical overview of the Neopagan religion of Wicca. Recently updated. |
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The Thelemic Origins of Wicca An exploration of one of the many significant influences upon Wicca. |
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The Ancient Gods and Neo-Paganism All about Gods, what They are, how to work with Them, etc. Includes Santa Claus Worship. |
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Misc. Essays: Historical, Social, Etc.
Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess |
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Welcome to the Information Revolution: WWW vs. WTO Social commentary upon the Seattle WTO protests of 1999. For more of my political interests, see my StumbleUpon Blog. |
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Book Reviews by Aaron
My Favorite Blogs (Blogroll)
You may find me posting to some of these blogs, my work discussed on others and some of them just have good material of interest:
Ananael The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Blog Societas Rosicruciana in America Blog The Ruby Rose and Golden Cross Nick Ferrell's Blog Magic of the Ordinary Path to the Stars Mishkan ha Echad: Quit the Night and Seek the Day! Light of a Golden Day Gareth Knight - News and ideas Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog Flight of Hermes - a Golden Dawn Blog Gleamings From the Golden Dawn The Golden Handshake Head For the Red Eye of the Sorcerer Strategic Sorcery Blog Papers Falling From an Attic Window Asterion's Occult Art Practical Solomonic Magic A Magician's Workings Imperial Arts Blog The Key To Clavicula Salomonis
Aghor Pir - Musings of a Tantrik Sorceror Scarlet Imprint Blog |
Mailing Lists and Groups
You can find me posting regularly on the following mailing lists:
My own Group dedicated to discussion of the Solomonic magickal tradition as well as Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires. Another Group I created. This one is dedicated to discussion of the Angelical Language recorded in the journals of John Dee and Edward Kelley. I created this separately from the Solomonic Group because this one is likely to have a lot of discussion of linguistics, etc. Plus, it is to help promote my latest project: The Angelical Language.... An interactive magazine dedicated to the H.O.G.D. and all aspects of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Discussion is permitted but limited. Submit essays by posting. All posts are moderated. A public Group hosted by the Sanctuary of Ma'at Order of the Golden Dawn. All Golden Dawn, Hermetic and Rosicrucian discussion is encouraged here- with a special focus toward students of the Western Hermetic Tradition. During the 1990s, Enochian-L was THE place for current scholarship on John Dee's system of Angelic magick. Today it is very quiet- but many of the same people are still there and will respond to intelligent and interesting discussion. This is another hot-spot for great Enochian discussion. It is a bit more active than Enochian-L, so you will likely see more of my posts here. This is a low-noise Group dedicated to the discussion of medieval and renaissance magickal traditions. This is a sister-list to the Solomonic Group - originally founded to host huge documents about Dee that could no longer fit in the Solomonic files section. Since then, this list has taken a life of its own! An invitation-only Group. It is dedicated to authors, publishers, editors, etc in the occult publishing business. A great place to discuss the industry, seek submissions, announce availablity of new work or projects, etc. The PaleoNova Group has launched a web-zine called PaleoNova Notes. It is currently dormant, but will hopefully return one day soon. A discussion group hosted by Brother Moloch, an experienced conjuror and sorcorer. |
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Copyright © 2002 C. "Aaron Jason" Leitch. Contact Aaron at aaron@leitch.net |